Transatlantic Travel is bouncing back

March 31, 2022
AA 777 Plane

After two years of shut down and limited transatlantic travel, airlines are finally making a big step forward to recovery and are offering more and more transatlantic connections already. While Asia is still very limited, with countries like China or South Korea not allowing people to enter without quarantine, Europe has opened up almost completely, dropping most of the Corona related restrictions. Travel to Europe might actually feel quite normal again, this year.

Also Charlotte Douglas International Airport is finally benefitting from this development. Through January, transatlantic travel has restarted to London, Munich and Frankfurt, and just last weekend, Service to Madrid as well as a second-daily service to London make Charlotte Airport feel more “normal” again. The absence of international wide body planes was very noticeable until now, and it is refreshing to see that things are slowly turning back to pre-covid times.