ATC Frequencies

If you have a scanner, you can use the frequencies below to listen into ATC communication. Use RAMP frequencies to hear push back requests and early runway assignments / requests. Use Ground to follow the aircraft taxiing outside the ramp to the runway. Use Tower to get the actual runway clearance for arrival and departure.

Approach and Delivery will be added soon as well, but these are depending on approach patterns and require basic ATC knowledge to be able to follow up on them.

Ramp Frequencies
Ramp North 130.075 Mostly E Gates
Ramp East 129.225 All D Gates, Half E Gates, Half C Gates (Even)
Ramp South 131.6 Half C Gates (Odd), Half B Gates (Even)
Ramp West 129.8 All A Gates, Half Gates (Odd)

Ground Frequencies
Ground East 121.9
Ground West 121.8

Tower Frequencies
18 L / 36 R 118.1
18 C / 36 C 126.4
18 R / 36 L 133.35
25 / 05 118.1

Information included only for leisure information, do not use for navigation or actual operation of aircraft

If you don’t have a scanner, you can also use LiveATC to listen into CLT Airtraffic Control. The links through the liveATC website are currently down, but you should be able to access through the links below:

KCLT Approach / Departure
KCLT Delivery / Ground
KCLT Delivery / Ground / Tower
KCLT Tower